Friday, July 27, 2007

The Dream is Dead ...

Star Trek XI ... it was supposed to be awesome. Matt Damon cast as a young Capt. Kirk, with Ben Affleck at his side as Spock. Cuba Gooding Jr. cast as McCoy. It would have been glorious. But today I found out the dream is dead. Zachary Quinto has been cast as the new Spock ... and they is no word on the new Kirk or McCoy.

Might as well call the move Star Trek XI: The Dead Dream.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Why I Work at BestBuy ...

Many people have asked me why I work at BestBuy instead of Futureshop. There is a Futureshop right in Waterloo; but I chose to drive 20 minutes to work at BestBuy. What compelled me to work there

The Globe and Mail's recent article, "Best Buy's two-step begins to click" says it all: "Attracts more women customers [than Futureshop]."

'nuff said.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Knee Jerk Reactions ...

... a big topic in today's world right now is the environment. Al Gore's very successful documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth about global warming as really brought it to the forefront. Politicians everywhere are jumping on the bandwagon to show they are pro-environment.

This post is really about two issues. First, the Conservatives' green plan ... and the banning and recommended use of CFL (compact fluorescent lights).

The other day, the Tories released their green plan to meet the Kyoto accord ... 8 years late. Critics of the plan say, its doesn't go far enough or quickly enough. Some of the critics include Greenpeace and other environmental groups. Others are the opposition parties ... of course. In this case, the Liberals. The Liberals have NO basis for these attacks. What would they do if they were in power? Probably the same thing ... or maybe nothing at all. Knowing the Liberals.

One of the biggest critics is Al Gore himself. Mr. Environmental. Well, Mr. Environment, as Environment Minister John Baird, never brought a vote on the Kyoto accord to the Senate floor. Mr. Environment did nothing to help the environment while in power. He had 8 years to prove it. Again all of what Mr. Baird pointed out.

My second problem is the knee jerk reactions of politicians. Remember, adjusting day light savings time to save energy? Well, guess what, it didn't. Energy consumption is pretty much the same as if we didn't change our clocks. Another 'environmental' or 'energy' saving plan is to ban incandescent lightbulbs. On the surface, its good. Heck its great! People will save a couple of bucks per year per light bulb. But what about the replacement bulbs out there? Well, the most likely replacement is going to be CFLs. These CFLs actually contain mercury. As I found out in a news story (I think it was on the CBC), that if you break one, you need to get it professionally cleaned, which could cost you thousands of dollars. Furthermore, how many people actually know that it contains mercury? And how to properly dispose of them? Most people will throw them into their house waste which in turn will take them to the landfill. Great, now we have mercury in our landfills (again). For what? To save the country a few bucks a year. The worst part about this is that even environmentalists are supporting the use of CFLs. So, what is worse? Mercury poisoning or using extra energy (or having a higher energy bill)? For me, its having a higher energy bill - since I was unaware of the mercury contain of those bulbs. I'm now looking for alternative solutions for my mercury filled bulbs.

It just seems that everything that comes out that's supposed to be good turns out out worse. I just feel like any time that I try to save the world or help myself, I end up doing it a whole lot worse.

So screw it, I'm going to buy a big old SUV and drive the the 1 km to work eating a cruller filled with trans fatty acids and wrapped with meat from a cow, pig and chicken while I have a cigarette. All that while at home I'll leave my air conditioner and incandescent light bulbs on 24/7.

Biggest ... environmental ... footprint ... ever ...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

What Crap ...

It seems that I cannot seem to update more then once a month. Quick summary.

February's get into work before 9 month was a moderate success. Out of the 20 days that I needed to be into work, I managed to get in before 9 12 times. The other 8 times break down as follows:
  • 4 times <>
  • 2 times <>
  • 2 times > 1 hour late
So, I'd say its pretty good. Considering that some of those 4 times was when there were some terrible road conditions.

March is no refined sugar month. I've pretty much gave up on Wednesday considering that I've pretty much run out of food and I don't have to time to go shopping. However, it was pretty good. Other than a few hiccups ... like a couple of Sundays where I felt terrible from being hung over, I was good. Some good came out of it, I'm going to have honey in my tea instead of sugar.

My hamster passed away a few weeks ago. He was about 2.5 years old and I think had a good life. I miss him. I think I'll get another one one day. But not any time soon.

Right now, I just want to get through the next week or so. Hopefully, things will finally calm down. But I doubt it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Worky ...

... So I haven't updated in over a month. I've been pretty busy. I don't really know where the month went, but I'm just going to assume that it went to work.

Since the start of January, I've been putting in quite a few hours at work. 80 to 90 hour weeks were not uncommon. I'm pretty sure the busyness isn't going to stop anytime soon. Bleah ...