Saturday, September 20, 2014

Home ...

... Yes, I found a place.  Its in the same building as my temporary housing, so it was really easy to move - not that I had a lot of stuff to actually move. I would post a bunch of other pictures ... but that seems like a lot of work.  So instead, I made a slideshow ... check it out. Click here to download/watch. The video is about 150 MB but its in HD!

I'm finally feeling like I'm getting settled in. I have pretty much finished all of my administration stuff with the exception of getting my driver's license. I really have not done anything super awesome, because of all of the stuff I've been needing to do.  Also, there is that work thing!

Its like I'm a student again because all of my furniture is still in Waterloo and won't be showing up until April-ish.  So, I had to buy a bunch of the necessities.  Pot, pan, plates, bowls, cutlery, can opener, sharp knives and towels and what not. I figure I'll have to buy some more miscellaneous stuff.

Hopefully next post, I will have some interesting stories to tell.  But we'll see ...

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